7 tips to end work stress

According to the Ministry of Health, between 11 and 27% of working people in Spain suffer from a mental health problem as a direct consequence of their work. This alarming figure has been one of the incentives for countless studies on psychology and work environment.

The latest global economic crisis accentuated these figures as a result of staff cuts, lower wages, the increase in the volume of work per person and the lack of work-life balance, among other factors. Currently, and as a result of the health and economic crisis we are facing, these data have skyrocketed.

If you feel that work occupies a large part of your time and your thoughts, and you suffer episodes of stress more and more frequently, we encourage you to put these tips into practice with which to improve your day-to-day work.

-Identify the source of stress, to try to avoid this type of situation.

-Adopt healthy habits as a routine. Sport, a balanced diet and respecting sleep hours will help you reduce stress.

-Look for support inside and outside the office. Trust your superiors and your team to share your emotions and express how you feel. Also do it with people in your environment who are not part of your work.

-Set limits and delegate tasks. Define your duties well and learn to delegate tasks when you can’t absorb more work.

-Practice relaxation techniques. Putting these types of techniques into practice will help you manage these types of situations more calmly.

-Respect breaks. It is essential to disconnect from your daily tasks from time to time, as well as to take the corresponding break to eat. And above all, try to sleep a minimum of 8 hours a day.

-Expression of your feelings and emotions with professionals in the field. In addition to putting these tips into practice, we recommend that you put your situation in the hands of professionals, they will help you to improve your mental health considerably.

See you in the next post!!!