10 tips to improve ergonomics in front of the computer

Surely you or one of your colleagues has had physical discomfort on occasion as a result of the postures adopted throughout the day in front of a computer. In this article we leave you 10 tips to substantially reduce this type of conflict

1.Practice exercise to prevent injury

2.Place the top of your monitor at eye level

3 keep your work area well lit

4. Rest every 5 minutes and take the opportunity to look out the window and focus from afar

5.Get up from the chair every 30 minutes and take the opportunity to take a short walk or do some stretching

6. Become aware of your posture and try to stay aligned with the chair or when you are standing. It is important that you keep it when using any mobile device, for this place them at chest height

7. Use a comfortable seat that encourages a correct, upright and aligned posture

8.Use accessories such as footrests or lifting trays for laptops

9.Wear comfortable shoes and put your feet firmly on the ground

10. Try to maintain a temperature in your workplace between 17º and 24º, this will prevent bodily discomfort from arising